Monday, July 25, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, I've been gone for almost 2 months now but starting today, I'm back.  I have not been running or eating very well but that is going to change.  A big reason behind it has been the girl I've been seeing.  I can't get enough of her and so I spend a lot of my time with her.  Another big reason has been some house projects that I've been spending all my other time outside of work on.  But the plan was to run the Whistlestop half marathon on October 15th and starting today is my 12 week program to train for it.  I was at the point of running 11 miles before and I know I can do it again.  The best part is my girlfriend and best friend will be running it as well so there will be plenty of motivation.  I may not be posting as much as I was before I quit but I'll be around.  I'm really hoping to carry this running stint all the way through the winter into next spring as winter is typically a bad weight gaining time of year for me.  I'm gained a little bit of weight but still feel good about my weight loss up til this point.  This journey will be about running a half marathon until October and the weight loss will be an added bonus.  I've gained a different perspective and my happiness and now derived more from my friends and girlfriend than the way I look.  I want to be healthy to be able to do more and be with them longer and I know the rest will fall into place. 

I have done something very healthy for myself in the last month that has made things a little more difficult on the food front.  I used to be a chewing tobacco user and on June 23rd I quit and haven't had one since.  I really don't miss it and most if not all of the cravings are gone, but I do seem to have more of an appetite than before.  I believe its is just as much related to the lack of exercise but in the end quit tobacco will be 1 million times better for me than just about any other decision I've made up until now and soon it will be a long distant memory.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're finding a good balance with weight loss and life! Good luck with half marathon training, I started that myself recently and am loving it. :)
