Well its Friday and so since I've already done 4 days straight, today is my day off. Tomorrow will be a long run around the track with Sunday being a recovery day. I'm thinking about trying for 3.5 miles. Yesterday I decided to do some sprinting intervals and I think I was overdoing it a bit. During my interval phase I was basically sprinting and then I would walk after. It was a good workout and I think it will help my endurance because it felt like it was pushing my lungs and heart whereas my legs really weren't feeling too bad. I was wearing my HRM and you could see my HR shoot up to about 175-180 during the sprint and then slowly fall down to 145 then back up and repeat for 20 mins or so. I had done a longer run the day before and so I figured I'd do some speed work to switch it up. I've also heard intervals are great for weight loss and so if that is an added benefit, you won't find me complaining.
I have a friend coming in tonight from Michigan so we are all going out on the town to hang out. I'm ok with letting myself drink my issue is the food consumption which is what I've got to keep an eye on. I've done well the last month so I don't foresee a huge issue just need to be conscious of it.
Dude, this seems like a great workout and your pace seems awesome to me. Keep it up and have fun tonight.